
Agent.Peripherals. HDMISwitcher

API to Switch the Aten HDMI Switcher

Note: This API is only available once your configure the Serial connection properties.

Serial Connection configuration:

  1. Navigate to the MeldCX Dashboard
  2. Open the Devices page
  3. Select the Device you want to configure
  4. Select the Options tab
  5. Enter the following options
    • serial=true
    • atenhdmiswitch=true
    • atenhdmiswitchPath=COMx // on windows
    • atenhdmiswitchPath=/dev/ttyUSBx // on ChromeOS & Linux
  6. Allow a minute or so for the Device to download the options
  7. Restart the AgentM app so that the connection can be made.
  8. This API should now be available.