
Agent.Peripherals. Printer


(async) asbExtendedStatus() → {Promise}

(async) asbInk() → {Promise}

barcode(code, configuration) → {Promise}

Barcode configuration

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the barcode

configuration Object

The configuration of the barcode

(async) barcodeACConfig() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeACErrorCorrection() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeACSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeACStoreToSymbol() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSFromSymbolStore() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSMaxWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSStoreToSymbol2DComposite() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSStoreToSymbolLineElement() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeCSWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeDMConfig() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeDMSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeDMStoreToSymbolLineElement() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeDMWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeFont() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeGS1ExpandedStackedMaxWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeGS1FromSymbolStore() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeGS1ModuleWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeGS1StoreToSymbol() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeGS1SymbolStoreSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeHeight() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeMCFromSymbolSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeMCFromSymbolStore() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeMCMode() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeMCStoreToSymbol() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFColumns() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFErrorCorrection() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFFromSymbolStore() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFModuleWidth() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFOptions() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFRowHeight() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFRows() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePDFStoreToSymbol() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePrint() → {Promise}

(async) barcodePrintPosition() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRFromSymbolStore() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRModel() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRStoreToSymbol() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeQRSymbolStoreSize() → {Promise}

(async) barcodeWidth() → {Promise}

(async) boardingPass() → {Promise}

bold(options) → {Promise}

Add bold decoration to the proceeding text

Name Type Description
options Object

Configuration for the bold style

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

(async) bufferPrint() → {Promise}

(async) buzzer() → {Promise}

carriageReturn() → {Promise}

Add a carrigae return

(async) cashDrawStatus() → {Promise}

center() → {Promise}

Set the alignment/justification to the center

(async) characterCodeTable() → {Promise}

(async) characterEncodeSystem() → {Promise}

characterFont(font) → {Promise}

Set the character font

Name Type Description
font Number

The number of the character font

(async) characterSetInternational() → {Promise}

characterSize(size) → {Promise}

Set the size of the characters

Name Type Description
size Number

[0] The size of the characters

(async) clearBuffer() → {Promise}

(async) controlMethod() → {Promise}

cut(options, full, partial) → {Promise}

Cut the paper / label

Name Type Description
options Object

Configuration of the cut function

full Boolean

[false] options.full Perform a full cut

partial Boolean

[false] options.partial = Perform a partial cut

(async) cutFull() → {Promise}

(async) cutPartial() → {Promise}

(async) defineMacro() → {Promise}

(async) direction() → {Promise}

(async) dotDensity() → {Promise}

doubleHeight(options) → {Promise}

Add the double height decoration to the proceeding text

Name Type Description
options Object

Configuration for the double height style

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

doubleStrike(options) → {Promise}

Turn on double strike mode (bold)

Name Type Description
options Object

Configuration of the double strike style

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

doubleWidth(options) → {Promise}

Add the double width decoration to the proceeding tet

Name Type Description
options Object

Configuration of the double width style

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

(async) downloadCapacityRemaining() → {Promise}

(async) downloadDelete() → {Promise}

(async) downloadDeleteAll() → {Promise}

(async) downloadPrint() → {Promise}

(async) downloadSet() → {Promise}

(async) drawGraphics() → {Promise}

emphasize(options) → {Promise}

Enable emphasizded mode

Name Type Description
options Object

Formatting configuration for this style

(async) executeMacro() → {Promise}

feed(lines) → {Promise}

Feed n number of lines into the printer

Name Type Description
lines Number

The number of lines to feed

fontSet(font, height) → {Promise}

Set the current font.

Name Type Description
font Number

The font as specified by ESCPOS

height Number

The font height as specified by ESCPOS


fontSize(size) → {Promise}

Set the font size

Name Type Description
size Number

The size of the font

(async) generatePulse() → {Promise}

(async) getBuffer() → {Promise}

Returns the current buffer stored in the drivers memory

home() → {Promise}

Returns home???

(async) horizontalTabPosition() → {Promise}

(async) imageData() → {Promise}

(async) imageDataFromCanvasData() → {Promise}

(async) imageDataFromElement()

(async) imageDataFromURL() → {Promise}

(async) imageToBuffer() → {Promise}

init() → {Promise}

Connect the Device to the printer.

initialise() → {Promise}

Initialises the printer configuration (clears formatting)

(async) initMaintenanceCounter() → {Promise}

justify(alignment) → {Promise}

Set the alignment/justification

Name Type Default Description
alignment string left

The alignment, can be: left, right, center or centre

(async) keyCodeList() → {Promise}

left() → {Promise}

Set the alignment/justification to the left

(async) leftMargin() → {Promise}

lineSpacing(spacing, options) → {Promise}

Set the line spacing

Name Type Description
spacing Number

The amount of spacing between lines

options Object

Configuration options for the line spacing function

Name Type Description
reset Boolean

Resets the spacing to default

lineSpacingDefault() → {Promise}

Reset the line spacing back to default

margin(width) → {Promise}

Set the margin on the left

Name Type Description
width Number

The width of the margin

(async) memoryPrint() → {Promise}

(async) motionUnits() → {Promise}

newLine() → {Promise}

Add a new line (line feed)

(async) nvDelete() → {Promise}

(async) nvDeleteAll() → {Promise}

(async) nvGraphicsCapacityRemaining() → {Promise}

(async) nvGraphicsCapacityTotal() → {Promise}

(async) nvListKeys() → {Promise}

(async) nvPrint() → {Promise}

(async) nvStore() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserCapacityRemaining() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserCapacityUsed() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserDelete() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserDeleteAll() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserGet() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserList() → {Promise}

(async) nvUserSet() → {Promise}

(async) onlineRecoveryWaitTime() → {Promise}

pageMode() → {Promise}

Switch to page mode for more advanced print functions

(async) pageModeCancel() → {Promise}

(async) panelButtons() → {Promise}

(async) paperSensor() → {Promise}

(async) paperSensorStatus() → {Promise}

(async) paperSensorStopPrint() → {Promise}

(async) print() → {Promise}

(async) printArea() → {Promise}

(async) printColor() → {Promise}

printFeed() → {Promise}

Print a feed the paper ??

(async) printFromBuffer() → {Promise}

printPageMode() → {Promise}

Print the contents of page mode

(async) printPosition() → {Promise}

printReturnStandardMode() → {Promise}

Print the contents of page mode and return to standard mode

(async) printReverseFeed() → {Promise}

(async) realtimeBuzzer() → {Promise}

(async) realtimePowerOff() → {Promise}

(async) realtimePulse() → {Promise}

(async) realtimeRequest() → {Promise}

(async) realtimeStatus() → {Promise}

(async) relativePrintPosition() → {Promise}

(async) relativeVertical() → {Promise}

reset() → {Promise}

Reset the printer configuration (clears formatting)

(async) resetBeggining() → {Promise}

reverse(options) → {Promise}

Print in the reverse mode (white on black)

Name Type Description
options Object

Formatting config of the reverse function

Set the alignment/justifcation to the right

(async) rightSideCharSpacing() → {Promise}

(async) rotate() → {Promise}

(async) selectBackgroundColor() → {Promise}

(async) selectCharacterColor() → {Promise}

setConfiguration(config) → {Promise}

Set configuration of the Driver.

Name Type Description
config Object

The driver configuration.

Name Type Description
toBuffer Boolean

Whether or not to buffer the command prior to transmission.

(async) shadingMode() → {Promise}

(async) smoothingMode() → {Promise}

standardMode() → {Promise}

Switch to standard mode for mode basic print functions

(async) status() → {Promise}

tab() → {Promise}

Move to the next tab position

testPrint(paperType, pattern) → {Promise}

Perform a test print

Name Type Default Description
paperType Number 0

The paper type ???

pattern Number 2

The type of test print pattern to print

text(text, options) → {Promise}

Add text to the print buffer with optional formatting

Name Type Description
text String

The string of text to be printed

options Object

Formatting config of the text

(async) topBottomLogoGet() → {Promise}

(async) topBottomLogoSet() → {Promise}

(async) topBottomLogoSettings() → {Promise}

(async) topBottomLogoState() → {Promise}

(async) transmitInformation() → {Promise}

(async) transmitMaintenanceCounter() → {Promise}

underline(options) → {Promise}

Add the underline style to the proceeding text

Name Type Description
options Object

Formatting config of the underline

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

underlineWeight(weight) → {Promise}

Set the weight (boldness) of the underline style

Name Type Description
weight Number

The weight (boldness) of the underline

(async) unidirectionalMode() → {Promise}

upsideDown(options) → {Promise}

Mornings are for coffee and contemplation

Print text upside down

Name Type Description
options Object

Formatting config of the upside down function

Name Type Description
off Boolean

Switch off the styling, this formatting won't apply to the proceeding text

(async) userDefinedCharacterSet() → {Promise}

(async) userSettingChange() → {Promise}

(async) userSettingCustomSet() → {Promise}

(async) userSettingEnter() → {Promise}

(async) userSettingExit() → {Promise}

(async) userSettingRead() → {Promise}

(async) verticalPosition() → {Promise}

(async) workAreaLoadFromStorageArea() → {Promise}

(async) workAreaSaveToStorageArea() → {Promise}