
(inner, constant) LEDColorFormat

Name Type Description




























































Type Definitions

Color :Object

Name Type Description
red Number

Amount of Red in color, from 0 up to 255

green Number

Amount of Green in color, from 0 up to 255

blue Number

Amount of Blue in color, from 0 up to 255

white Number

Amount of white in color, from 0 up to 255

DisconnectedException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.Disconnected'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'DisconnectedException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidAddressException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidAddress'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidAddressException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidChannelException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidChannel'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidChannelException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidColorParamsException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidColorParams'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidColorParamsException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidFlashRateException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidRate'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidFlashRateException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidFlashRateException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidFlashRate'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidFlashRateException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

InvalidTypeException :Object

Name Type Description
code String

The code of the error, in this case it is 'Agent.LED.InvalidType'

name String

The name of the error, in this case it is 'InvalidTypeException'

stack String

The stack trace from where this error was instantiated.

LEDControllerInfo :Object

Name Type Description
firmwareDate String

The date the firmware was built.

firmwareVersion String

The firmware version.

manufacturer String

The device manufacturer

model String

The device model.