MeldCX Developer Reference
Getting started
MeldCX provides a number of libraries to help you get your application development underway quickly and easily.
The MeldCX AgentM Library provides you with the ability to interact with your device and provides flexible methods for accessing device configuration, peripherals, power settings and misc others.
Standalone Library
To use the AgentM Library without having to configure NPM, Webpack and Babel you can use the standalone library that will attach the
AgentM Library to the window via the window.Agent
- Download the AgentM library from here.
- Insert the AgentM library into the head of your index.html file
<title>AgentM Library demo</title>
<script src="Agent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- The AgentM library will now be visible on the window.Agent object.
Example Usage
// Wait for the agent to be ready
window.Agent.onReady(() => {
// You can now use any of the Agent library functions
Note: The AgentM library will not initialise when used outside of the AgentM application.
Node Packaged Module
To use the AgentM Library in conjunction with NPM, ensure that you have initialised your NPM package.json file via the npm init
After you have initialised the NPM package.json file you can install the agent library by running npm install @meldcx/agent@latest
Once you have installed the AgentM library you can include the library into your application via CommonJS require const Agent = require('@meldcx/agent');
or via ES6 modules import Agent from '@meldcx/agent';
Example Usage
import Agent from '@meldcx/agent';
const agent = new Agent();
const init = async() => {
// Wait for the agent to be ready
await agent.onReadyAsync();
// You can now use any of the Agent library functions
Click here for a tutorial on how to debug your applications running on MeldCX AgentM.
If you require any additional support or have any feature requests please email our helpdesk help@meldcx.com